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Okay. one more buff lady delivering destruction delivered. Might give Aphrodite a try sooner or later.

Wait so is this the updated version of the Cacoward winning Lt. Typhon Mod or is this an alternate version of it?

It's like a remake, pruning out a lot of stuff that I felt didn't fit the character (and just contributed to feature creep)
and getting the rest of it running on more than one sourceport.

Only recently discovered your works on here; so glad to see you're still making mods!  Is there any chance of your dehacked mods being uploaded to the NightDive port?

Nah fella there's just too much up in the air with that whole situation, the mod section of that site seems to be barely moderated at this point in time and I don't know if I'd be able to update work I post, like what level of control I'd have over my own work kinda thing. Maybe sometime in future?